Posts in New Technologies
Wayfair CEO predicts 1/3 of all retail sales will be online

Currently, online sales hover around 7% of the total. But with 73 million millennials taking over the coveted 20-40 year-old spending space, it's quite possible that he'll be right. 

Consider, too, that millenials are 250% more likely than baby boomers to shop online.

"Shopping can be both fun and fast," writes Niraj Shah -- WayFair CEO. "Driving several miles to a big-box store in hopes that they might have just what you are looking for is neither." 

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Apple Pay Has Arrived

Large tech and telecom companies like Google, Verizon and AT&T have tried for years to replace the traditional wallet with smartphone apps, having a click here or swipe there replace a credit card or dollar bills at the register. But commerce experts say they believe that the involvement of Apple, which helped revolutionize the mobile industry, could be the impetus that moves mainstream consumers to digital payments — the latest in an evolution of the way people buy goods and services.

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